Live a life full of humility, gratitude, intellectual curiosity, and never stop learning.
Hello! I'm Jamie
Hola, me llamo Jamie
こんにちは! 私はジェイミーです
As a fervent lifelong learner, educator, and administrator, I am grateful to continually collaborate with and contribute to the education field. I am especially enthusiastic about creativity, innovation, neurology and brain-based learning, EdTech and personalization, and entrepreneurship in education as it pertains to access, equity, and inclusion for all diverse learners throughout the globe. *Video to the right inspired by Michael Scott.

Principal (Directora)
San Diego Unified School District
Edison Elementary
Principal Mentor & Area Leadership Coach
Chair of Hoover Cluster Council
California Distinguished School
National Healthy Schools All-Star Award
Family & Community Engagement
Community Sports & Science Partners
Assistant Principal / Principal Designee
Escondido Union High School District
Orange Glen High School
Department supervision and evaluations: STEAM and Culture
AP, NMSI, Niigata Japan Partnership, and Bilingual
Equity, Access, and Inclusion leadership
Professional Learning
Assistant Principal / Program Specialist
Hemet Unified School District
Tahquitz High School & Support for 10-12 Schools
Department supervision and evaluations
AVID leadership and Bilingual
Inclusive practices leadership
Professional Learning
Specialized Services Administrator / Teacher
Chicago Public Schools
World Language High School
Area 27 (Support for 15-17 Schools)
Languages Colloquium* & Bilingual Educator
*Japanese, Mandarin, Korean, French, Romanian
Inclusive practices leadership
Professional Learning
Service learning & Online learning coordinator
EL Teacher and Cadre Special Education
West Chicago Public Schools
West Chicago Middle School
EL Teacher
Mild and Moderate Special Needs Cadre Substitute
Spanish Teacher
Milwaukee Messmer Preparatory School
Middle School Spanish Teacher
School Choice Voucher Program
Global Executive Education Ed.D.
The University of Southern California
Dissertation: Expanding Bilingualism and Biliteracy through a Student-Centered Culturally Relevant Pedagogy in Secondary Schools
Global Learning: Hong Kong, Qatar, Finland, Los Angeles
Education and Organizational Leadership M.Ed.
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Chicago administrative internship in Area 27
15-17 schools district-wide
TESOL and Intercultural Studies M.A.
Wheaton College
TESOL internship at Pui-Tak Center in Chinatown, Chicago
Wheaton in Chicago Environmental Justice project
Global Service Learning: Honduras, China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Cambodia, Romania
Special Education and K-12 Credentials M.Ed.
The University of Illinois at Chicago
Student Teaching at Zapata Academy in La Villita
Transitional Bilingual and EL Special Education
Spanish B.A.
The University of Wisconsin at Parkside
Business Minor
NCAA Softball Player
Academic All-Conference

Additional University Courses Taken
Design Thinking (STEM)
Stanford University
Design Thinking for Innovation (STEM)
University of Virginia
How Things Work: Physics (STEM)
Penn State University
Our Energy Future (STEM)
UC-San Diego
Epidemics (STEM)
Penn State University
Giving 2.0
Stanford University
SDG Academy X (EdX)

Single Subject Teacher Credentialing Supervisor
University of Massechusettes Global
Ed Specialist Teacher Credentialing Supervisor
University of Massechusettes Global
Effective Instruction in Languages Other Than English
University of Massechusettes Global
Effective Literacy Instruction for Single Subject Credentials
University of Massechusettes Global
University Courses Taught
Macroeconomics for Sustainability

Innovation, Design Thinking, Entrepreneurship, Creative & Collaborative Learning Spaces
Driven to improve systems that serve students through cultural relevance & global competence.
Learning Management Systems (Google Classroom, 2U, Canvas, Seesaw, Powerschool, GoReact, Blackboard)
Focused on linguistic and cultural diversity, equity for all, & inclusive practices for all students and their learning potential
Spanish - Fluent professional reading, writing, speaking, and listening
Portuguese - Novice speaking and listening & Intermediate reading & writing
Japanese - Novice speaking and listening & reading Hiragana
Mandarin Chinese - Novice speaking & listening
Within education, I am constantly looking at where we can continue to grow, improve, but especially to use design thinking to solve problems, iterate solutions, and to incorporate 21st-century skills, such as technology usage, collaboration, global competence, and connections to college and career.
It is important to me to empower teachers to become the exceptional professionals they can be to ensure the most excellent experiences for student learning. As a visionary and pioneering thinker in education, I am comfortable facilitating change efforts and continual improvement.
Not only do I view myself as a global citizen, but I want teachers and students to see themselves in all their interconnectedness. Students today will use their 21st-century skills to solve complex problems, such as healthcare, poverty, climate, nutrition, space science, and much more.